Skin Care Tips for Lovers of Hot Yoga (Bikram)

Bikram yoga (a 90-minute form of yoga done in a room with a temperature of 105F) has been around since the early 1970s. In the last decade, however, it's grown in popularity across the country both for its benefits to physical fitness as well as for its ability to help reduce stress. Today, millions of people in most major cities in the United States include Bikram (or hot yoga as it's often called) in their physical and mental fitness regimen. Bikram is a great way to get focused and get fit, but ninety minutes of sweating can cause a hit to your skin care regimen. What do you need to keep in mind when it comes to skin care and Bikram yoga? Here are some tips to remember.

Rehydrate After Bikram Class
Skin Care Advice: Bikram Hot Yoga and Your SkinHealthy skin is hydrated skin, and hydrated skin begins on the inside. After ninety minutes of sweating, you'll need to seriously rehydrate. Make sure that you have fresh fruits and vegetables with you so that you can eat your water as described in Dr. Murad's best-selling book, The Water Secret. The cellular structure of water in fruits and vegetables is absorbed more readily by your body and keeps you hydrated longer rather than quickly passing through your system and flushing out minerals and nutrients. The single most important thing that you can do for your skin (and your health) after a Bikram yoga class is to be sure that you hydrate internally!

Cleanse and Moisturize
With any workout, you'll be sweating during the workout. However, with Bikram you'll be really sweating. You want to make sure that you remove that oil and residue after your workout. But you'll also want to be sure that you're using an extremely gentle cleanser when you do. After all, you don't want to strip moisture from a dehydrated face by over-washing it. You do want to gently cleanse your face though. Follow up your gentle cleansing with a face or skin moisturizer. Though you've hydrated internally by eating fresh fruits and vegetables, you'll also want to restore topical moisture so that your most visible skin is instantly rehydrated.

Recommended Product: Murad Correcting Moisturizer SPF 15
After all of that sweating and heat, your skin may be a bit reddened. Hydrate while also correcting for redness with this moisturizer that includes a neutralizing tint to combat red flushing.
Skin Care Advice: Bikram Hot Yoga and Your Skin
Customer Review
"I’ve used many moisturizers, but this is the best one I’ve ever tried! I’ve always had a problem with moisturizers making my skin really greasy and shiny. It instantly takes away the redness in my face–even the redness from washing my face! This moisturizer is light, soothing, and non-greasy. I love it :-) " flipz41344, Massachusetts

Remember Body and Back Acne
It's not just your face that may get breakouts from Bikram yoga. Your body and back are not only exposed to sweat during a Bikram workout but also to residue from your yoga mat. Make sure that if your skin is at all breakout prone you include a back acne treatment in your follow-up shower or bath. Skin care doesn't stop at your neck!

Recommended Product; Murad Clarifying Body Spray
If you can't shower immediately following your hot yoga workout, this topical spray can deliver acne-fighting medications on contact.

Skin Care Advice: Bikram Hot Yoga and Your Skin
Customer Review
"I work out regularly and have never been able to get rid of unsightly back acne irritated by perspiration and sports bras. I found this product after searching online and the reviews were excellent–now I’m adding my own review! After a couple of weeks of using this spray I have seen a dramatic decrease in the existing acne on my back and new breakouts have been greatly diminished. I spray in the morning before getting dressed then again at night after showering. I have ordered a backup so I’m never without it. If you buy this product you won’t be disappointed!" Erica621, Kansas City Metro

Bikram is a great workout, but any time that you're sweating in an indoor space for over an hour, you'll want to be responsible about skin care afterwards! Make sure that you hydrate both internally and topically and cleanse away any potential breakout-causing residue after your hot yoga workout.

Via: Skin Care Tips for Lovers of Hot Yoga (Bikram)

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