If You Put Him on a Diet, Hell Eat Junk Anyway

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Think you’re helping your guy get healthy by plying him with salads and wheat berries? Just because he eats your rabbit food doesn’t mean he’s happy about it, or that he’s learning better eating habits. New research shows that men will eat what you put in front of them to keep the peace, but will later gorge on junk food when you’re not around.

The majority of men in the study told researchers that their wives did not consult them about the dietary changes and simply went ahead and cooked what they saw fit for their husbands to eat -- usually because the healthier diet was ordered by his physician. In other words, the women were just following doctors’ orders, and their guys resented them for it. Sorry, dudes, but if you’re going to let her do the grocery-shopping and cooking, then I think she gets to make the executive decision about what gets put on the table -- especially when your doctor says you’re going to keel over otherwise.

Via: If You Put Him on a Diet, Hell Eat Junk Anyway

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